How do you remove moisture stains from the wall?

There is nothing more annoying than being faced with the facts and seeing that you have moisture spots in your wall. Above all, don't worry, because there is a solution for everything. Only it is important to find out the cause of the damp spots before you can start removing them. Find out how to get rid of damp spots in this article.

Types of moisture spots on the wall

Typically, there are two different types of moisture stains that can affect your walls.

  • New moisture spots. New or fresh moisture stains occurred recently, indicating a relatively new moisture problem. Often such moisture stains are also still "active. You can recognize them by the color difference between the moisture spot and the dry wall.
  • Old moisture spots. Old moisture spots on the wall are often the result of long-term moisture problems where the source of the moisture has been present for an extended period of time. Such spots range from small brown spots to spots with a white powder.

Damp cellar

Consequences of damp spots on the wall

Failure to address the cause of wall dampness will lead to a variety of negative consequences. Consider:

  • Health Problems
  • An unpleasant odor in the house
  • A colder home that is harder to heat
  • Damage to your furniture and home, reducing its value

Causes and corresponding solutions of dampness in the wall

The word says it all. Damp spots on your walls are caused by moisture. Moisture, in turn, can get you from a variety of causes:

Each cause requires its own solution. Often, determining the cause and determining the necessary cause is not obvious, so it is best to leave this to an expert. In addition, moisture stains disappear by themselves after a professional has done what is necessary to solve the moisture problem. So do not hesitate to seek the help of an expert.

1. Facade exposed to rainwater for too long

Did you get moisture problems due to rainwater coming into contact with the facade over a long period of time? Then chances are that the moisture spots on your wall are due to penetrating damp. In this, the moisture spots occur in all sorts of random places, and not only on the ground floor.

The ideal solution to this moisture problem is to have your facade impregnate or hydrophobizing. This involves applying a transparent and waterproof layer to the facade using a transparent product. Hydrofuge is a product that makes your exterior walls water repellent. As a result, you will no longer get moisture spots on the interior wall either.

In addition, the impregnation can be enhanced by painting the facade with damp-proof paint. A coat of this paint on the exterior wall helps prevent damp spots on the wall from penetrating moisture. It also gives your facade a fresh, new look.

Penetrating damp
damp-proof paint

2. A clogged gutter or leak

A gutter allows water to leave through the downspout when it rains. If you don't have a gutter, water flows down your facade and you risk exposing your facade to rainwater for too long. Moisture problems can therefore also be the result of a clogged gutter or a leak in the pipes. Unfortunately, this does not resolve itself; on the contrary, it only gets worse. By the way, a clogged gutter is worse than having no gutter at all, because with a clog, a large amount of water accumulates in one place.

Solving this problem can be done as follows:

  • Unplug your downspout and properly maintain your gutter. You can do this simply by taking a ladder and taking out all the leaves that are in it. Especially in the fall, this is important.
  • In case of a leak: contact a leak detection company. After all, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact location of the leak. In addition, the plumber can seal the leak purposefully and efficiently.

3. Rising damp

If the moisture spots on the wall are mainly at ground level, then chances are you are dealing with rising or rising damp. Rising damp is caused by direct contact between a brick wall and a moisture-containing wall. In problems of rising damp, groundwater is the main cause. The foundation and walls absorb this water, resulting in the most severe dampness close to the ground, but it can also spread further into the wall. This can cause significant damage to both interior and exterior walls.

Moisture control in walls: treating rising damp

You can treat rising damp with the following methods:

  • Waterproof the exterior wall by using a chemical product to inject into the wall. A professional injects a moisture-resistant coating into the wall through drilled holes. This coating acts as an artificial barrier against water. After this step, the professional seals the drilled holes with waterproof mortar.
  • An alternative option is to undercut walls. This is a drastic measure usually used only in major renovations. It involves temporarily lifting the walls of a home to apply a moisture barrier.

However, both solutions require the expertise of professionals.

4. Condensation moisture

Somewhere where the air is too humid (think a bathroom), it creates condensation. And this, too, can eventually cause moisture spots on walls.

If you suffer from condensation moisture, on the one hand, it is important to engage in ventilation. With inadequate ventilation, the moisture lingers and condenses on cold surfaces. Here you have several options:

  • You can make your home naturally ventilate By regularly opening your windows and doors.
  • Does natural ventilation turn out to be insufficient? Then a mechanical ventilation system be a great help. feeding. In this process, both the supply and removal of air are completely mechanical.

Condensation can occur not only from lack of ventilation, but also from thermal bridges. Cold bridges are weak points in a home's insulation where heat is lost, leading to the cooling of interior walls and the formation of condensation and mold. These problems often occur where insulation materials do not fit properly, such as near window frames, eaves and the transition between walls and windows. To prevent thermal bridges, it is important to apply insulation carefully and continuously, in addition to ensuring adequate ventilation and heating. In this case, replacing and improving the insulation is the solution to the moisture problem, permanently eliminating the moisture spots on the wall.

What can you do yourself to remove moisture stains on a wall?

As we mentioned, the first thing to do is definitely contact a professional to fix your moisture problem. Only after that can you repair your wall yourself. If you do want to get started yourself, here are a few helpful tips:

  • Address the cause of the damp wall to. If you suffer from rising damp, first make sure that the source of this damp problem is drained with wall injections, for example. This involves injecting a new waterproofing layer. Ask your free moisture diagnosis for an initial in-depth analysis.
  • Get the wallpaper or the paint of your wall with a putty knife.
  • Bring a damp-proofing agent to, e.g., Aquaplan.
  • Do you have cracks? Fill these with putty.
  • Make sure your wall is not soaked and then apply three coats of moisture barrier coating .
  • When everything is behind you and the wall is dry, you are ready to re-paper or paint the wall.

Note! The above instructions help to remove moisture stains from your wall and not to magic away mold. Mold is best killed with chlorine-based bleach. After the mold disappears, rinse away the chlorine with warm water.

Do you suffer from moisture spots on your walls?

You prefer to avoid moisture problems rather, but if they are there, they just have to go. Period. Unfortunately, solving and removing moisture problems is not exactly a job that can be done in a flash. That's why AquaConsult offers you support that's second to none. Looking for more information on moisture control? Then be sure to read our blog About moisture problems and solutions.

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