Do you suffer from sick building syndrome?
It is common knowledge that spending long periods of time in a home that does not meet safety and quality standards can lead to health issues. But did you know there is a name for this? It's called the sick building syndrome. In this article, we will tell you how to recognize this phenomenon, and how to avoid the unpleasant consequences of this syndrome.
What is sick building syndrome?
The name kind of gives it away: sick building syndrome is a term used in situations where occupants or users of a building suddenly find themselves with all kinds of health complaints that are due to nothing but the building. In other words, just by being in the building, residents get sick.
The term was created by the World Health Organization, which released a research report in the 1980s with some curious results. Namely, they found that some 30% of all newly built and renovated homes make residents sick. In doing so, they made the important observation that the syndrome does not usually occur in just one individual, but in a group of people. Thus, it does not manifest itself only in single individuals, but often affects multiple people in the same building.
The most common symptoms of sick building syndrome
The symptoms of sick building syndrome can vary widely and are generally considered non-specific and mild, but they can still be perceived as unpleasant. They show similarities to the symptoms of an allergic reaction or prolonged work stress.
Below is an overview of the most common complaints:
Just because the symptoms are so common, it is difficult to tell if they are from sick building syndrome. It is only when several people in the same building experience these symptoms at the same time that you can speak of sick building syndrome with more certainty.
The causes of sick building syndrome
Sick building syndrome can occur in one particular room, or the entire building can cause you to get sick. Some of the most common causes are poor or lack of ventilation, high humidity due to moisture problems or chemical contamination from building materials, for example. Insufficient daylight can also lead to the health problems described above.
Solving sick building syndrome
The causes of sick building syndrome do not disappear on their own.
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