Am I eligible for a renovation grant for moisture control (Wallonia)?
Do you suffer from a moisture problem? Then it is important to do something about it. Unfortunately, the cost of effective moisture control can sometimes be quite high. Fortunately, if you live in Wallonia or have a (vacation) home there, you can take advantage of various premiums to tackle moisture in your home.
In this article, we discuss which premiums you can claim in the Walloon region and what conditions are attached to them.
Are you looking for more information about premiums in Flanders? Then you can read all about the Flemish premiums for moisture control.
Renovation grants in the Walloon region: an overview
Since June 1, 2019, the current premium system has been in place in the Walloon region, merging the former renovation and energy premiums under one heading: 'Primes Habitation'. Initially, To qualify for the premiums, applicants must have a housing audit performed by an approved auditor. This system was updated three years later, in response to rising energy prices and as an attempt to spur energy renovations. This led to the "simplified premiums," where no prior audit is required.
Thus, since 2022, two types of housing premiums will apply:
So, although the white powder coating seems harmless, nitric acid on your wall usually indicates a deep-seated moisture problem. Something we would rather be poor than rich.
1. Primes Habitation (with housing audit).
To qualify for the Primes Habitation renovation grants, you as an applicant must meet with a licensed auditor. This person will then examine your home and draw up a list of work to be done, in order of priority. For works (e.g. moisture control works) that the auditor recommends as a priority, you can apply for this renovation grant. Please note that the work must be recommended in the audit report and must be performed in the order of the proposed work packages, and no work may be started until the audit report is received and recorded.
The final premium you receive depends on the type of work and your income. Below are some examples with their basic amounts.
Works | Basic amounts |
Reinforce unstable walls or demolish and rebuild them. | From €8/m² |
Drying of walls after penetrating damp | From €5/m² |
Drying of walls after rising damp | From €6/running meter |
Removal of mold on the walls | From €350 |
Notice: the amounts above are the base amounts. Depending on your income, the premium can be increased up to six times. The lower your income, the higher the premium.
Family Income | Multiplication |
Less than or equal to €24,600 | Base amount × 6 |
€24,600.01 to €34,900 | Base amount × 4 |
€34,900.01 to €46,200 | Base amount × 3 |
€46,200.01 to €104,400 | Base amount × 2 |
More than €104,400 | Basic Amount |
Tip: You can also apply for a subsidy to perform the housing audit. You can get at least €190 back for this.
More information about this renovation grant and how to apply for it can be found at the site of the Walloon government.
2. Primes simplifiées (without housing audit).
As outlined above, the Walloon government created the simplified renovation premiums in 2022 in addition to the "Primes Habitation," with the intention of encouraging energy renovations. This means that for smaller renovation works, with a maximum amount of €6,000, you can qualify for these premiums without requiring a home audit. Another difference with the 'Primes Habitation', is that you can also carry out these works yourself.
Premium | Basic Amount |
Drying of walls after penetrating damp | From €350 |
Dissolving and drying walls after rising damp | From €350 |
Removal of mold on the walls | From €350 |
The premium amount may not exceed 90% of the invoice, including VAT.
You can also apply for these grants for specific measures that help to Prevent moisture problems preventively. Consider the installation of a mechanical ventilation system Or insulating your home.
For more information, visit the website of the Walloon Region. Also, don't hesitate to check with your municipality about any additional subsidies.
In addition to renovation premiums, advantageous VAT rate
Is your home older than 10 years? If so, in addition to the above renovation incentives, you are also eligible for the reduced VAT rate of 6% on renovation work.
Notice: this rate of 6% applies only when the works are performed by a contractor. If you perform the works yourself, the construction materials you need are subject to the normal rate of 21%.
What if you experience moisture problems and live in Brussels?
Do you live in Brussels? Then you fall under the rules of the Brussels Capital Region, and the aforementioned renovation premiums and rates do not apply. In Brussels, you can use the Renolution system, which allows you to apply for subsidies for renovation works and moisture control. The amount of the premium depends on your income category, with reimbursements of 30%, 50% or 80% of the cost.
To be eligible, you must first perform the works and then submit the grant application. For more information and conditions, visit the Brussels Capital Government website.
Disclaimer: AquaConsult (GroupConsult) is not liable for any errors in the information provided. Always consult the website of the provider of the premium for full premium terms and conditions. Have you noticed an error? Please let us know at
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Contact the experts at Aquaconsult now for a free moisture assessment and we will be happy to help you.
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