Do you suffer from damp walls? AquaConsult is at your service

Damp walls are a common problem that can cause a lot of trouble. Not only is it bad for the walls and for your home, but it is also bad for your health. Moisture in the wall can have several causes. It is therefore important to have a specialist come by to get the right diagnosis. Find out everything you need to know about damp walls here.

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Damp walls can be caused by many factors. With a thorough moisture analysis, we detect the culprit(s). Can we help you with such an analysis? Our experts are at your service, completely free and without obligation.

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How do you recognize damp walls?

There are a lot of different causes of moisture in the walls, all of which have somewhat different symptoms. However, there are symptoms that pretty much always recur. Some are:

  • Damp or wet spots on the wall
  • A musty smell in the room
  • White, black or green mold growth on the wall
  • White deposit
  • Discolored or detached plaster or wallpaper

Important: damp walls can manifest in all rooms of a home. Not only the basement, which is often associated with moisture problems, can be affected, but also the bedroom, living room, bathroom and kitchen.

Why is it important to do something about damp walls?

Damp walls bring all sorts of negative consequences.

  • For example, damp walls are pernicious to the strength of your home.
  • Because a damp home is harder to heat, damp walls contribute to excessive energy bills.
  • Damp walls are also a health hazard. Moisture problems often strike the airways, breathing and lungs. This is especially true for people who already have respiratory conditions. For example, people with asthma are very sensitive to this.
  • Also, moisture problems are often the cause of mold. Especially black mold is a big culprit here, as black mold is also called "toxic mold. These emit toxins that can lead to respiratory problems, allergic reactions, nausea, nerve and joint pain and so much more. As with general moisture problems, people with respiratory conditions are more susceptible to this than others. Children and the elderly are also more likely to suffer the effects of black mold.
  • Finally, damp walls can also attract pests.

The causes of damp walls and their treatments

Damp walls always indicate an underlying problem. The most common causes are rising damp, penetrating damp or condensation damp. In addition, thermal bridges or a leakage can also be responsible for dampness in the wall.

Possible cause 1: Rising moisture

Are there moisture spots only on the ground floor? Is the moisture close to the ground and does it stop at a certain height? Then we speak of rising damp. Rising damp is the most common moisture problem. Here, ground moisture is absorbed by the walls because there is no or a deficient water barrier at ground level. The worst moisture spots may be near the ground, but it can still spread further into the wall.

The solution to rising damp: injecting the damp walls

Injecting Walls is the best solution against rising damp. By injecting walls, we address the moisture in the walls, prevent mold and prevent paint or wallpaper from peeling.

  • When injecting walls, we first of all drill a hole in the wall, close to the ground.
  • Then we inject the wall with a moisture-resistant substance that spreads into the pores of the wall. This way, groundwater no longer has a chance to settle in the walls and your moisture problem is solved.

Possible cause 2: Penetrating moisture

Penetrating damp is the main cause of moisture problems in the outer walls of your home. With penetrating moisture, a wall has been exposed to rain for a long time. The moisture is mainly on the outside of the house, but sometimes it can have progressed to the point where the moisture has penetrated the interior walls. At such a time, it is clear that the walls are no longer able to repel rainwater. Penetrating moisture can be dangerous when it freezes. Because the moisture in the walls can freeze, creating cracks.

The solution against penetrating moisture: impregnating damp walls

With penetrating moisture, the outside wall is the big culprit. So that's the wall you need to have waterproofed. This can be done in three different ways.

  • Painting the exterior wall with damp-proof paint
  • Your exterior wall (have it) impregnate
  • Having a new - waterproof - cladding installed

Possible cause 3: Condensation moisture

A third possible cause of a damp wall is excess condensation moisture. At condensation warm air beats itself onto the cold surfaces of windows and walls. Those walls are mainly the outside walls. Those usually feel coldest when it is also cold outside. Condensation is something that can occur anywhere in the home. It occurs most of all in rooms such as the kitchen and bathroom:

  • In the kitchen, moisture from cooking hits the cold walls.
  • In the bathroom hot water from the shower or bathtub causes condensation.
  • However, the bedroom is not free of condensation moisture. In fact, by sweating and breathing, you send a lot of moisture into your bedroom space.
  • Do you also dry your laundry indoors in living room, for example? If so, you may have to deal with condensation moisture there as well.

The solution against condensation moisture: Ventilation

Moisture in the walls due to condensation is easy to solve. The major cause of condensation moisture is a lack of ventilation. So make sure you ventilate your home properly or purchase an air purifier. This is a simple way to combat condensation.

Possible cause 4: leaks

A damp wall can also be caused by leaks in water pipes or drains built into the wall. Small leaks may seem harmless at first, but they are not. In fact, they often go unnoticed for a long time. If the leak persists for a long time, the wall also becomes damp and the same consequences will occur. Do you suffer from moisture in the walls yourself? If so, contact Aquaconsult and our specialists will come by for a free moisture expertise all over Flanders.

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