Our latest blog articles Musty smell in your home? These are the main causes and solutionsRead more Why wet basements are rising sharply in Flanders (Radio 1 interview)Read more Air conditioners without an outdoor unit: everything you want to knowRead more Tackle hay fever with ionizationRead more Moisture-resistant paint: everything you need to knowRead more Do you suffer from sick building syndrome?Read more Is moisture bad for your health?Read more Why is ventilation important?Read more Hydrofuge: protect your facade from moistureRead more Air-to-air heat pump: cool and heat with easeRead more Moisture control: don't make these 7 mistakesRead more The difference between basement waterproofing and drainageRead more What is the technical ATG approval?Read more What is floor drainage in the basement?Read more The importance of a damp-proof course in the wall in case of rising dampRead more Unique in Flanders: have your basement poured with ceramic tilesRead more Mechanical ventilation: the solution to your moisture problem?Read more Treating rising damp yourself: here's how to do itRead more Am I entitled to the Flemish renovation premium for moisture control?Read more Four ways to prevent mold in your homeRead more Getting sick from air conditioning: a myth or a fact?Read more How can I waterproof my basement again?Read more Why thermal bridges may well be the cause of your moisture problemRead more How do you remove moisture stains from the wall?Read more How do I maintain ideal humidity in my home?Read more Air cleaning: the most underrated weapon against coronaRead more Is black mold dangerous to your health?Read more Innova monoblockRead more