air conditioning expert Roeselare

Air conditioners without an outdoor unit: everything you want to know

Air conditioners without an outdoor unit: everything you want to know

An air conditioner without an outdoor unit - also known as a monoblock air conditioner - has many advantages. Aquaconsult is happy to explain exactly what a monoblock air conditioner is and why you should choose one.

What are the advantages of an air conditioner without an outdoor unit?

There are several advantages to an air conditioner without an outdoor unit in general; and the Innova Monoblock in particular.

  • First and foremost is the design. Air conditioners with outdoor units are often bulky, especially the outdoor unit itself. So you don't need to provide space on your facade to place the outdoor unit. Only two small grilles need to be installed. In addition, the Innova Monoblock Italian Design. So this air conditioner without an outdoor unit is not only practical; it also adds aesthetic value to your home.
  • Another big advantage is that air conditioners without an outdoor unit are maintenance-free. So there is no need for a technician to come by every year to service your air conditioner.
  • Operating such an air conditioner without an outdoor unit is also simple. The Innova Monoblock in particular can be controlled via a touchscreen on the unit, via a remote control or via an app on your smartphone. So you can control your air conditioner from the comfort of your couch.
  • A final advantage to the air conditioner without an outdoor unit - and specifically the Innova Monoblock - is that it is environmentally friendly. This is especially evident in its energy consumption: this air conditioner without an outdoor unit has an energy class A+.

Also, can you use the air conditioner without an outdoor unit as a heater in winter as well?

Yes, you can. The Innova Monoblock air conditioner works with a heat pump. That means this air conditioner can both cool a room and heat a room.

How does a heat pump air conditioner work?

Although the name doesn't suggest it, a heat pump doesn't just allow you to heat a room. Air conditioners also use this system to cool a room.

Want to cool the room? Then a heat pump pulls heat out of the room to cool it down inside and then releases it back. Do you want to heat up the room? Then the opposite happens. The Innova Monoblock Air Conditioning works with this system.

Where is best to place an air conditioner without an outdoor unit?

A typical place to place a monoblock air conditioner is the bedroom. Especially when we have a hot summer, an air conditioner in the bedroom is not a luxury. The advantage to the Innova Monoblock, is that it does not take up much space. So it is perfect to place in the bedroom.

In addition to the bedroom, the living room is always a good idea. After all, the living room is - usually - the room you spend the most time in. A refreshing living room in the summer, or a cozy warm living room in the winter is no luxury.

Can I install an air conditioner without an outdoor unit myself?

It is certainly possible to install an air conditioner without an outdoor unit yourself. Buy an air conditioner through Aquaconsult and want to install it yourself? Then you get all the information in a manual where everything is clearly explained.

How much does an air conditioner without an outdoor unit cost?

Innova Monoblock Air Conditioners Cost. between 1,725 euros and 2,534.95 euros, VAT included. The price depends on the model and whether you install the air conditioner yourself or have it installed. With those prices, Aquaconsult is the very cheapest. We guarantee you that.

Looking for an energy-efficient and effective air conditioner?

Are you looking for an air conditioner without an outdoor unit? Contact Aquaconsult now for more information or check out our offer at

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heat pump

Air-to-air heat pump: cool and heat with ease

Air-to-air heat pump: cool and heat with ease

Are you looking for an efficient way to both heat and cool your home? Then an air-to-air heat pump may be the solution for you. In this article, you'll discover the many advantages, possible disadvantages and how this versatile system works.

What is an air-to-air heat pump?

An air-to-air heat pump is a type of heat pump that allows you to both heat and cool your indoor space. So it's similar to a air conditioning system, but with more options. This type of heat pump is mainly known in the form of a monoblock air conditioning system: An air conditioning system in which there is no outdoor unit. It is very popular because of its cost effectiveness and relative simplicity of installation.

How does an air-to-air heat pump work?

When an air-to-air heat pump heats a room, it draws in indoor air using a fan. A compressor located inside the unit compresses the refrigerant gas, raising its temperature. This heated gas then passes through a heat exchanger, transferring the heat to the air. This heated air is blown into the room, and this is repeated until when the room is at the desired temperature. Cooling a room proceeds in just the opposite manner.

air-to-air heat pump

When is an air-to-air heat pump interesting?

An air-to-air heat pump is a convenient system for temperature control, but it is important to know when it is an appropriate choice. Here are some situations when considering an air-to-air heat pump makes sense:

  • When you have both heating and cooling wishes.
  • Replacement for an electric heating system. If you currently have electric heating, switching to an air-to-air heat pump can save costs and be more environmentally friendly.
  • As a new central heating system. For homes without central heating, an air-to-air heat pump can be a good option, especially in smaller homes where individual temperature control in each room is desired.
  • In small and well-insulated houses. An air-to-air heat pump is efficient in well-insulated, small homes where heat retention is good.

However, there are situations where an air-to-air heat pump is less suitable, such as in poorly insulated homes, large homes that require multiple (indoor) units, and when there is no suitable space for both the indoor and outdoor units. In general, an air-to-air heat pump is best suited as supplemental heating or in smaller, well-insulated homes.

The pros and cons of an air-to-air heat pump without an outdoor unit

There are a lot of advantages to an air-to-air heat pump without an outdoor unit. Here are some of the many advantages:

  • You can easily and quickly heat and cool your indoor spaces.
  • An air-to-air heat pump is also available without a visible outdoor unit.
  • The unit is easy to install.
  • You lose little space.
  • Air-to-air heat pump is much cheaper than an air conditioning split system.
  • In summer, with the air-to-air heat pump, combined with the digital counter (with solar panels) you can cool the house for free at the cost of the sun.

There are also a few (more limited) drawbacks to mention:

  • Not suitable for all homes or situations.
  • When it is very cold outside, the efficiency is a bit lower.
  • An air-to-air heat pump cannot be connected to an existing heating system.

How much does an air-to-air heat pump cost?

Are you considering installing a monoblock air conditioner without an outdoor unit? Then request more free information on price, maintenance, installation, energy consumption and functions for winter and summer. The price depends on the area of the room and the type of installation. Therefore, ask one of our air conditioning specialists for all options without obligation.

Are you considering an air-to-air heat pump?

Are you considering buying an air-to-air heat pump? A wise idea: you'll find the best value for money with this type of air conditioner.

AquaConsult specializes in air conditioners without outdoor units with this air-to-air heat pump technology. For this we work together with our sister company AeroConsult, which specializes in monoblock air conditioners and heat pumps (both air and domestic water). These air-to-air heat pumps can also be coupled with ionizers. This is one of AeroConsult's strengths: we offer the possibility of additional air purification add. Our ionizers remove all impurities from the air, including bacteria, viruses, pollen and particulate matter.

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get sick air conditioning

Getting sick from air conditioning: a myth or a fact?

Getting sick from air conditioning: a myth or a fact?

Air conditioning is often associated with getting sick; in fact, who has never caught a cold after spending an entire day in the air conditioner?

Yet you don't get sick from the air conditioner itself. So what are the causes? AquaConsult lists them for you.

Temperature differences

Many air conditioners are far too cold. The ideal temperature difference between outside and inside is a maximum of 6°C. Do the temperatures rise to 40°C as has been happening occasionally lately? Then the temperature difference is quickly too much. Anyone already suffering from respiratory infections will develop additional complaints more quickly.

Air conditioning maintenance

Did you catch a cold from a day in the air conditioner? Then that air conditioner probably hasn't been properly maintained. Air is drawn through a filter before it is cooled and returned to the room. That filter ensures that particles such as pollen or viruses do not enter the cooled air.

But isn't that filter being properly maintained? Then those polluting particles will come right back into the room, which can cause you to catch a cold or trigger your allergies.

This is therefore the biggest advantage of the monoblock air conditioners. These are maintenance-free and are available in combination with ionization. With ionization, viruses, pollen and bacteria in the air are eliminated so you no longer have to worry about them.

Humidity in the home

Not only poor maintenance can cause you to get sick; the wrong setting can also be the culprit. After all, an air conditioner regulates not only the temperature, but also the humidity.

An ideal humidity is between 45% and 60%, but air conditioners often cause that humidity to be reduced to 40% or even less. That low humidity causes minor ailments such as chapped lips or dry eyes and irritation to the mucous membranes or airways. That irritation to the mucous membranes or airways is what causes an itchy cough.

Air conditioning in the car

What we come into contact with the most are air conditioners in cars. These are even more likely to make you sick because the air conditioners in cars are often used incorrectly: for example, they are usually too cold, making the temperature difference too great with the outside air, but the biggest mistake is leaving the air conditioners on until you reach your destination. When that happens, the evaporator of the air conditioner is still damp, promoting the growth of bacteria and mold. Those unhealthy substances are blown right into your face when you restart the car.

Some tips

Avoid getting sick with these tips:

  • Clean and maintain your air conditioner properly. You won't get sick from air conditioning as long as that air conditioning is properly maintained. If you already suffer from respiratory symptoms, the symptoms are more likely to worsen if you have spent an entire day in air conditioning. That's because bacteria and viruses spread faster when it's colder.
  • Try to keep the temperature difference between outdoor and indoor air conditioning to a minimum. A difference of 6°C is ideal.
  • Turn off your car's air conditioning when you are about five minutes from your destination. That way, it has time to dry out and the transition from the fresh car to the warm outside air is not too jarring for your body.

Looking for an air conditioner?

Are you looking for an air conditioner that you can adjust perfectly and requires no maintenance? Contact AquaConsult now and our experts will be happy to help you or visit the web shop of our sister company AeroConsult.

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air conditioning expert Roeselare

Innova monoblock

Innova Monoblock

In air conditioning

Innova AircoHeater 2.0. Without Outdoor Unit With Ionization

AeroConsult is a new division of AquaConsult and is the only installer in Belgium offering Innova Aircoheater Monoblock systems with ionization and air purification.


The Innova Air conditioner monoblock belongs to the very best monoblock air conditioners on the market. Innova monoblock air conditioning systems have no unsightly outdoor unit, making them elegant and practical to use.

Cooling and heating

Control via touchscreen, remote control or smartphone

Only 16 cm depth

Fixed outdoor grilles

The Innova Aircoheater monoblock is the only one offered with ionization by AeroConsult.

Visit aeroconsult.beView the brochure

Advantages of an Innova air conditioner without an outdoor unit

The Aircoheater 2.0 cools and heats very energy efficiently via its built-in heat pump without an outdoor unit. This substantially improves energy performance without sacrificing the aesthetics of the home.

Easy installation

The "Aircoheater 2.0" can be easily installed on any exterior wall.


Everything needed for installation, being mounting template and mounting kit (A), the tubes for the holes (B) and the external grilles (C), is included in the package (with the exception, of course, of the bore and drill head).


Installation is easier than with any air conditioning system. The impact on indoor air quality is great.

Why order an Innova Monoblock Air Conditioner from AquaConsult?

Best price guarantee

AquaConsult guarantees you the lowest price in Belgium and the Netherlands. If you can objectively demonstrate a better price that was applicable at the time you purchased the air conditioner from us, we will refund the difference.

Free delivery

Do you order your Innova Monoblock Air Conditioner from AquaConsult? Then transport costs within Belgium are included. This is actually an additional discount due to ever increasing energy prices.


Unlike some other suppliers, we do not require you to sign a maintenance contract. In fact, we don't even offer you a maintenance contract: our Innova Monoblock Air Conditioners are low maintenance; or even maintenance-free. So you don't have to worry about that.

Fast delivery and pickup possible

Thanks to our stock, we can help you very quickly. Do you choose the DIY installation? Then we will deliver your air conditioner within five days. Would you like to have the air conditioner installed by one of our professionals? Then you can count on a delivery period of up to two weeks. Would you like to be helped faster? Then you can always pick up your air conditioner yourself as soon as we have received your payment.

With ionization to a healthier living environment

Our ionization devices eliminate pollutants, pollen, particulate matter, viruses and bacteria inside your home or office. We can equip your arico with the appropriate ionization system without affecting the delivery or installation time. Pricing for these ionization systems is available at the AeroConsult web shop; our sister company.

Fixed outdoor grilles.

Modern controls.

The "Air Conditioner 2.0" has fixed outdoor grilles. The unit can be operated both via the touchscreen on the unit, via remote control or via an app on the smartphone.

Sublime design

At only 16 cm deep, the "Aircoheater 2.0" is by far the subtlest and lightest in its category. The aesthetic impact is minimal, both outside and inside.

Technical high quality

  1. The body of the air conditioner heater 2.0 is now made entirely of metal. Strong and robust.
  2. The wide control panel allows you to easily change any setting. Also equipped with a built-in WIFI receiver.
  3. The condensing coil has a high efficiency, with integrated evaporation effect which further improves the efficiency.
  4. Compact thoughtful design

Lateral discharge also possible by adding the side discharge kit

Blowout right side (TC.5.95.0040).
Blowout left side (TC.5.95.0042).


A. Horizontal indoor unit.
B. Side discharge kit.
C. Exterior grilles.

Nebulizer (TC.5.95.0015)

Drainage of condensation water can sometimes be a problem. Therefore, it is possible to add a nebulizer at an additional cost.

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