Why wet basements are rising sharply in Flanders (Radio 1 interview)

Why wet basements are rising sharply in Flanders: interview with Radio 1

We can say with certainty that 2024 will be one of the wettest years ever recorded. After a wet winter and spring, the rainy summer ensures that groundwater levels remain as high as ever. As a result, more and more Flemish homes are struggling with wet basements and the associated problems. A trend that will not change any time soon.

Luc Lambrechts, our business manager and expert in moisture problems and control, explained more about this in an interview with Radio 1. During the talk, he emphasized how this year's exceptional weather conditions have had a major impact on the number of moisture control requests.

Listen to the conversation here:

The exponential growth of moisture problems and wet basements in Flanders

We already received a lot of rain this year. Both the winter and spring were exceptionally wet, and despite hopes for a sunny, dry summer, the summer rainfall also persisted. This abundant rainfall and the resulting high water levels lead to moisture problems. As Luc Lambrechts explained in the Radio 1 interview, rising and leaking moisture cause damp walls and wet cellars, while the lack of adequate ventilation promotes the growth of mold and other undesirable effects. Even during summer months.

At AquaConsult, we noticed that older homes with metered basements in particular suffer from moisture problems such as wet basements. Luc also pointed out that in new houses (by which we mean houses that are less than 10 years old) mold problems are often due to construction defects. This underscores how important it is to build properly from the beginning and ventilate.

Effective management of wet basements and moisture problems

Wet basements and other moisture problems can lead to significant negative consequences. Luc emphasized in the interview that it is essential to address these problems in a timely manner, as the consequences often go beyond moisture and mold growth.

Preventive measures are limited; installing a concrete basement during construction and ensuring adequate ventilation are the most important steps you can take.

As Luc pointed out, attempts to find solutions on your own can often be ineffective and costly, without achieving the desired result. In many cases, therefore, it is advisable to opt for professional ponding, although the appropriate solution depends on the exact moisture problem you are facing.

Suffering from moisture in your home?

Are you also struggling with a wet basement or other moisture problem? Then you are far from being the only one. Let AquaConsult assist you. Contact us now and our experts will be happy to help you.

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Tackle hay fever with ionization

Tackle hay fever with ionization

Hay fever. It's a necessary evil that a lot of people have to go through once the sun comes out. Usually hay fever is worst outdoors, but it can also affect you inside your home or office. But did you know that there is a way to tackle hay fever in indoor spaces? Namely, with an air purifier. How does an air purifier keep your home free of hay fever and, by extension, allergies? AquaConsult explains it briefly for you.

What exactly is hay fever?

Before we can explain to you how AquaConsult tackles hay fever, it's important to know exactly what hay fever is. Hay fever is one of the most common allergies and is also called pollen or pollen allergy. Here are some preliminary facts about this annoying allergy:

  • It is estimated that as much as 25% of the Belgian population suffers from it.
  • Hay fever is caused by pollen or pollen grains from grasses, weeds or trees. Houseplants can also cause these symptoms.
  • It is actually an overreaction of the immune system and causes annoying symptoms such as itchy and watery eyes, a runny or stuffy nose and sneezing.

And the number of pollen grains is always rising. For example, in the year 2022, a record number of pollen grains was measured in 40 years: 433 pollen grains per square meter. You already get symptoms at 50 grains of pollen per square meter. According to health institute Sciensano the hay fever season will change because of climate disruption: the hay fever season will start earlier, last longer and there will be more pollen in the air. Not pleasant, in other words.

What is the best thing to do about hay fever?

It is not always possible to block pollen or pollen grains. When you move outdoors, you can control the hay fever radar check or take targeted medication, but usually your options end there.

Indoors, however, there are more options. For example, an air purifier can effectively reduce hay fever and its symptoms. A particularly effective type of air purifier for this purpose is the ionizer. This device is specifically designed to purify indoor air through ionization technology, which rids the air of unwanted microparticles. These microparticles include viruses, allergens, particulate matter, as well as pollen and pollen particles. This air purification technology can be integrated into your air conditioning or balance ventilation system, instantly purifying the air as you ventilate and cool it.

Our sister company AeroConsult specializes in air purification and ionization. With their systems, we make sure that your airways can actually rest at home. So you recover better, sleep well and can breathe deeply in and out with relief.

How does ionization work in an air purifier for hay fever?

So ionization purifies the air of anything that can bother you. You can no longer breathe in the pollen or pollen particles so you no longer suffer from the symptoms. But how exactly does ionization work?

  • AeroConsult's systems produce billions of ions of ions per second. It creates a so-called plasma field filled with positively and negatively charged ions.
  • Those electrons cause the microparticles to clump together, making them filterable.
  • The number of pollen or pollen particles in the air is thus greatly reduced, and the air is cleaned.

That ionization really works is scientifically proven. Moreover, the GPS technology used in AeroConsult's systems is the only air purification system approved for use in aviation and ionization is the only system that does not create ozone while purifying the air. Perfect for use in both residential buildings and larger buildings such as offices or schools.

Ionization is installed in your air conditioner or balance ventilation using an ionization strip or an ionization system. It is very low maintenance and it consumes much less energy than other air purification systems.

Air purifier with ionizer for better sleep

Symptoms of hay fever can get worse at night. Even then, an air purifier with ionization is good for hay fever. This is because the air purifier improves the air quality. Because you lie in a room where the air is purified and free of allergens, you sleep better. Since you obviously do not want to be disturbed, it is important that the air purifier does not make more than 30 decibels of noise or that it has a special night mode.

Want to install an air purifier with ionization system at your home or in a public space? If so, please contact AquaConsult and our experts will be happy to help you. It is also possible to contact us via AeroConsult's webshop purchase an ionization strip for air conditioners or an ionization system for balance ventilators.

Where can I get such an air-cleaning ionization system?

Want to install an air purifier with ionization system at your home or in a public space? Then contact AquaConsult and our experts will be happy to help you. It is also possible to purchase an ionization strip for air conditioners or an ionization system for balance ventilation through AeroConsult's webshop.

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Moisture-resistant paint: everything you need to know

Moisture-resistant paint: everything you need to know

Damp-proof paint is a special type of paint designed to protect your walls from moisture. In this article you will discover the benefits, applications and different types of damp-proof paint, as well as practical tips on how to apply it.

What is moisture-resistant paint?

moisture-resistant paint, as the name implies, is a type of paint specifically designed to repel moisture. This type of paint usually contains a water-repellent compound. This ensures that after the paint dries properly, a barrier is created between the paint and moisture. This prevents moisture from penetrating the walls.

With the naked eye, you often don't notice the difference from ordinary wall paint. Yet it has a number of additional advantages:

  • Your wall will (of course) be moisture-resistant or water-repellent;
  • Your wall will be easier to dry and clean;
  • And your wall will be extra protected from mold.

When do you need moisture-resistant paint?

Damp-proof paint is a useful tool in many different situations, but not all of them. We explain when damp-proof paint is a good idea:

  • As a preventive measure. Would you like to protect the walls of rooms where a lot of moisture occurs, or would you like to protect your exterior walls from possible moisture penetration in the future? Then it is interesting to protect your kitchen, bathroom, basement or facade with a coat of moisture-resistant paint.
  • As a post-treatment for moisture problems. Do you suffer from damp walls or mold in your home? If so, then with high probability you are dealing with a moisture problem. For example resounding or rising damp. After finding the cause, addressing it and letting the solution do its job properly, you can apply damp-proof paint as a kind of additional moisture control agent.

Note: damp-proof paint is not a quick fix or magic solution. For example, when you have a moisture spot experienced on a wall, painting it over is usually not an appropriate or final solution. The moisture will simply return over time. Worse, the problem may just get worse. Therefore, we recommend that you first determine the actual cause of the moisture, and find the best fitting moisture solution apply. When doing so, do not hesitate to hire a moisture expert, as this will guarantee the best treatment.

The types of moisture-resistant paint

Is damp-proof paint right for your situation? Then, broadly speaking, you have two options. Namely, we broadly distinguish between two types of damp-proof paint:

  • Waterproof paint for indoors. This type of moisture-resistant paint is specifically designed for interior walls. Applying a layer of this paint to the interior wall prevents moisture from penetrating the wall. This is especially interesting for damp rooms, such as a bathroom, kitchen or basement.
  • Outdoor water-repellent paint. This variant is intended only for the exterior walls of a home. Here the paint forms an additional protective layer against penetrating damp.

damp-proof paint

Which moisture-resistant paint should you choose?

There are plenty of alternatives on the market. Which moisture-resistant paint you best choose depends on the situation. Get advice on this from a expert. Our moisture experts already recommend the moisture-resistant Tensiocoat from Rewah NV. We have trusted this brand for a long time, also for injecting walls.

How do you apply moisture-resistant paint?

You have no underlying moisture problems (anymore), you know which walls you want to paint and you've chosen a moisture-resistant paint. You can finally start the real work! Typically, you (or a professional painter) will follow the following steps:

  1. Preparation. We repeat it again because it is so important: the moisture problem must be completely remedied before you can begin painting. In addition, your walls must be clean and dry.
  2. Painting. moisture-resistant paint usually applies like regular paint. In most cases, two coats are sufficient. If necessary, apply a primer beforehand.
  3. Drying. Let the paint dry out completely.

Suffering from moisture in the walls?

Are you suffering from moisture in your home? Then don't delay and request your free expertise. Our moisture experts will be happy to visit you.

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Do you suffer from sick building syndrome?

Do you suffer from sick building syndrome?

It is common knowledge that spending long periods of time in a home that does not meet safety and quality standards can lead to health issues. But did you know there is a name for this? It's called the sick building syndrome. In this article, we will tell you how to recognize this phenomenon, and how to avoid the unpleasant consequences of this syndrome.

What is sick building syndrome?

The name kind of gives it away: sick building syndrome is a term used in situations where occupants or users of a building suddenly find themselves with all kinds of health complaints that are due to nothing but the building. In other words, just by being in the building, residents get sick.

The term was created by the World Health Organization, which released a research report in the 1980s with some curious results. Namely, they found that 30% of all newly built and renovated homes make residents sick. In doing so, they made the important observation that sick building syndrome does not usually occur in just one individual, but in a group of people. Thus, it does not manifest itself only in single individuals, but often affects several people in the same building.

The most common symptoms of sick building syndrome

The symptoms of sick building syndrome can vary widely and are generally considered non-specific and mild, but they can still be perceived as unpleasant. They show similarities to the symptoms of an allergic reaction or prolonged work stress.

Below is an overview of the most common complaints:

  • (Severe) fatigue,
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Dry or stinging eyes
  • An irritated nose and/or throat
  • Coughing and/or sneezing
  • A nasal cold
  • Fever
  • Breathing problems and a pressing sensation in the chest
  • Headache
  • Dry and/or itchy skin
  • Results
  • Concentration problems and decreased productivity
  • ...

Just because the symptoms are so common, it is difficult to tell if they are from sick building syndrome. It is only when several people in the same building experience these symptoms at the same time that you can speak of sick building syndrome with more certainty.

The causes of sick building syndrome

Sick building syndrome can occur in one particular room, or the entire building can cause you to get sick. Some of the most common causes are poor or lack of ventilation, high humidity due to moisture problems or chemical contamination from building materials, for example. Insufficient daylight can also lead to the health problems described above.

Solving sick building syndrome

The causes of sick building syndrome do not disappear on their own.

  • Check indoor air quality and humidity regularly to identify and address potential problems. This is where air quality monitors can give you a hand.
  • To achieve good air quality, ventilation is a must. Provide adequate ventilation in the building. This can be done simply by opening a window or door on a regular basis, or you can delegate this task to a ventilation system.
  • If you notice that the humidity remains too high and does not decrease, it is advisable to call in a moisture expert. This expert can identify the moisture problem and suggest the most appropriate solutions to address the problem.
  • Use only building materials and furniture that do not emit toxic substances. Choose environmentally friendly and sustainable materials whenever possible.

Fix dampness in your home for good?

Are you facing a moisture problem? Our field engineers are true experts when it comes to this moisture problem. Contact AquaConsult now for a no-obligation free expertise.

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Humidity and health

Is moisture bad for your health?

Is moisture bad for your health?

Damage to health from humidity: we must avoid it, agree? Every room has a certain humidity level: when it gets too high, it can be harmful to your health. Find out here what impact too high humidity has on your health.

When is there too much moisture in the home?

There is moisture in every room; this is normal. Moreover, a normal room usually has a humidity percentage between 40% and 60%. That is, about half of the air in an indoor space consists of particles of water damp. When the humidity is normal, you won't notice this. It is only when the air feels dry or clammy that the humidity may not be right. And when the humidity is too low or too high, it causes damage to your health.

Causes of too much moisture in the home

Excessive humidity has several types of causes. Some common ones are:

  • Condensation. Condensation moisture often occurs in the bathroom or in the kitchen, but other rooms can also struggle with it. In the bathroom, it is important to have a window or a ventilation system. In the kitchen, a fume hood is important.
  • Permeable moisture. Because a wall was exposed to rainstorms over a long period of time, moisture can build up because the water cannot get away properly. The ideal solution to make exterior walls water repellent is using paint or hydrofuge that absorbs the water.
  • Rising moisture. Groundwater is absorbed by the foundation and walls, so the worst moisture spots are near the ground.
  • A leak or clogged gutter. A clogged gutter or a leak can also cause moisture. After all, a large amount of water accumulates.

Of course, condensation is normal in the kitchen or bathroom. Ventilation is important here, allowing this moisture to leave. When you do not ventilate enough, excessive humidity is created, which can be harmful to your health.

Penetrating damp and rising damp are not only harmful to your home, but also to your health. You can recognize moisture by, for example mold on your walls. And let's face it, we're talking about mold. These aren't exactly healthy, are they?

What are the harmful effects of excessive humidity?

The direct impact of mold and moisture in the home on your health

Moisture problems and mold in the home can cause various types of physical health complaints, some typical complaints include:

  • Respiratory discomfort.
  • A dry throat.
  • Headache
  • Irritated eyes.
  • Frequent coughing.
  • Fatigue.
  • Rheumatic complaints, including pain in the muscles and joints.

These are all kinds of direct effects of moisture in the home on your health. People with asthma in particular are more likely to suffer from excessive humidity, and people who suffer from rheumatism will also find that their symptoms get worse.

moisture in home health

Indirect effects on your health: dust mites and pests

There are also indirect effects due to moisture in the home.

  • For example, damp rooms are an ideal environment for the growth of dust mites. People who are allergic to these microscopic insects will subsequently exhibit allergic reactions. These include sneezing, coughing, respiratory problems, shortness of breath, eczema or chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa. As a result, they are much more susceptible to colds, they become irritable more quickly and symptoms of fatigue also return.
  • In addition, moisture and mold can also attract pests, including silverfish or woodlice. These insects are not immediately bad for your health, but it's best to avoid them in your home.

So it is clear that excessive humidity can have negative effects on your immune system. This is because it costs your body a lot of energy to fight off the symptoms mentioned above, weakening your body in general.

Safety first! Have the moisture problem controlled as soon as possible.

The fact that excessive humidity is unhealthy is no longer going to be denied. To avoid these negative consequences, it is important that you take moisture issues seriously and take immediate action. Depending on what is causing the moisture problem , there is always a solution tailored to your needs.

However, since it is not always easy to figure out what is causing the moisture and mold, it is always recommended to have a moisture expert in. This person can determine with certainty what problem you are facing, and will also suggest the most appropriate method. This guarantees that the moisture problem will be fixed once and for all.

Suffering from moisture in your home?

Are you suffering from excessive humidity somewhere in Flanders? Contact Aquaconsult now and our experts will be happy to help you.

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Ventilation moisture problems

Why is ventilation important?

Why is ventilation so important?

Our homes are becoming better insulated, which of course is good news for energy consumption, which is steadily decreasing. However, these well-insulated homes also come with a risk: a possible shortage of ventilation. In this article, we will explain why ventilating your home is essential.

Why is ventilating your home important?

More and more contractors are providing central ventilation systems in new construction homes yet this is not always done for every room. An example: basements are often a forgotten place when it comes to ventilation. The result: an increase in humidity and an increased risk of condensation (which in turn can cause mold growth).

Moral of the story: ventilation is important to moisture problems help prevent it. In this article, we explain why ventilation can make a huge difference and what ventilation systems you can all have installed - without losing heat.

Four good reasons to ventilate your home

Were you looking for a reason why ventilation is important? We give you four key reasons.

Why you need to ventilate

1. Good air quality

Of course, the most obvious benefit of proper ventilation in the home is high air quality. When air circulates effectively, it automatically optimizes the air quality in the home, which is essential for a healthy indoor environment. This prevents the accumulation of too much CO2, which can otherwise lead to symptoms such as headaches, drowsiness and fatigue.

It is highly recommended to ventilate regularly, especially at venues where many people congregate, to ensure a healthy and fresh living environment.

2. Drainage against moisture problems

An average person produces about 10 liters of water humidity in a day that increases humidity. This is not little, especially if you share the house with several people! This includes all human and non-human activities such as breathing, showering, washing or cooking. Without proper ventilation, that moisture can do nothing but to condense against cold surfaces such as walls or windows. Over time, this can lead to moisture problems such as mold and wetness in the home, with all its consequences.

The ventilation of your home is usually the only method to effectively remove these amounts of moisture from a property. Especially in new homes, which in most cases are well insulated and airtight, well-designed ventilation is crucial to prevent moisture problems with condensation and mold. In other words, controlled ventilation must to keep the air clean and healthy.

3. No more musty smell

It is common knowledge that damp, non-ventilated rooms can smell very musty. This is, of course, a normal consequence of the lack of air circulation. In non-ventilated rooms, everything smells less fresh than in ventilated rooms.

4. Allergic? Then ventilation is definitely a must

Those with allergies such as hay fever or have asthma, know well that fresh air is extremely important. Poor air quality can intensify asthma and some allergies, as well as cause additional symptoms such as headaches or fatigue.

What happens when you don't ventilate your home (enough)?

Several air quality problems can arise in homes where there is little or no ventilation:

  • Recently installed building boards, building materials and adhesives can release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into indoor air (source: Vision on Technology - VITO).
  • Damp air can lead to condensation against cold surfaces (windows, walls). Condensation moisture can further cause mold and it affects painting and plastering.
  • In an unventilated home with high insulation, the air pressure inside is almost never the same as outside. This can also make the indoor air either too dry or too humid , depending on temperature differences.
  • In homes where ventilation is inadequate, it can be challenging to achieve and maintain a comfortable temperature. This affects your energy bills.
  • Finally, an inadequately ventilated home also has a negative impact on health. Common consequences are:
    • Increased risks of respiratory diseases such as asthma and allergies,
    • Developing respiratory problems
    • Possible adverse effects on the immune system.
    • You may also notice an impact on your sleep and mood, causing you to experience lack of energy and concentration.

So how can you adequately ventilate your home?

Some tips

You can do all sorts of things to properly ventilate your home. We list some of them:

  • Open your windows regularly. We recommend doing this for about 15 minutes daily, even in winter.
  • Preferably cook with lids and dry your laundry outside as much as possible.
  • Also, always turn on your fume hood while cooking.

The ultimate tip: a mechanical ventilation system

A good ventilation system helps control the humidity and air pressure in your home automatically. It uses pressure differences and provides regular ventilation without heat loss:

  • The Belgian ventilation standard for passive houses gives as a guide number an n50 value of 1 if you opt for ventilation system D with heat recovery. This is a system with mechanical supply and return. Specifically, the air in the house may be changed once per hour at a pressure difference of 50 Pa (Pascal) between inside and outside.
  • Do you work with ventilation system C, where there is a natural supply through window grilles and a mechanical exhaust, then the standard prescribes an n50 value of 3. So here you have three air changes per hour.

Mechanical ventilation

If you have ventilation system C, airtightness is very important for proper air circulation. With ventilation system D, airtightness is mainly important for heat recovery efficiency.

Suffering from moisture in your home?

Are you suffering from condensation moisture somewhere in Flanders? Or are you facing another moisture problem? Contact Aquaconsult now and our experts will be happy to help you.

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Hydrofuge: protect your facade from moisture

Hydrofuge: protect your facade from moisture

Your facade can suffer significant damage from moisture. An effective method of avoiding potential damage is to have hydrofuge performed. This blog will give you a comprehensive understanding of what hydrofuge entails and how it can protect your facade from the adverse effects of moisture.

What is hydrofuge?

Hydrofuge is a form of facade treatment. This involves applying some kind of treatment or coating to the facade with the aim of making it water repellent. The layer then forms a kind of protection for your facade, preventing penetrating damp or water from a leaking gutter from making its way inside, and consequently avoiding the adverse effects of these moisture problems Hydrofuge thus offers an effective method of providing lasting protection of the facade from external influences.

Hydrophobizing versus impregnating

Commonly used synonyms for hydrofuge or hydrophobizing are facade impregnation or facade waterproofing. However, there is a slight difference between the two terms:

  • Hydrophobizing is a form of impregnation specifically aimed at making a surface water repellent.
  • Impregnate on the other hand, is a broader term. It refers to treating materials for various purposes, including improving water-repellent properties.

Why it's best to have your facade hydrophobized

What makes considering hydrofuge worthwhile? You see, this facade treatment brings a few benefits:

  • Protection against external influences. Hydrofuge protects the facade from weather conditions, such as rain or frost, that can damage it.
  • Avoiding moisture problems. The protective layer allows penetrating damp or water resulting from a leaking pipe does not penetrate the facade.
  • The facade also stays cleaner longer. Different forms of dirt, including moss, and mold, will find it much harder to form. The dirt that forms will also be a lot easier to remove.
  • The coating is also completely transparent, so nothing changes the appearance of the home.
  • It also preserves breathability of the facade. This allows it to dry out properly without absorbing moisture.

Steps to a water-repellent facade: here's how hydrofuge works

Hydrophobing a facade involves several steps. Typically, a moisture expert proceeds as follows:

1. Inspection of the facade

The first step is a thorough inspection of the facade. It is essential to assess the current condition of the facade and determine if it is eligible for hydrofuge. During this inspection, any alternatives are also considered. For example, if the moisture expert determines that there is no penetrating moisture but rather rising damp, hydrofuge is not the most appropriate solution. In such cases, a injection of the walls needed. The goal is to choose the most appropriate treatment method and ensure its effectiveness.

2. Taking precautions

Before the hydrofuge process begins, necessary precautions are taken:

  • A thorough facade cleaning is carried out, making the exterior walls completely clean, grease and moss free. This is crucial for professional application and to obtain effective results.
  • Window frames and windows should also be carefully protected to prevent accidental staining.

These preparatory steps are critical to ensure that the hydrofuge can adhere effectively.

3. Hydrophobing

The application of the hydrofugant is the final step in the process. The product is sprayed over the façade. There are several types of hydrofuge on the market, including both chemical and biological varieties. The chosen hydrofuge then penetrates deep into the pores of the facade, and after drying out, it becomes completely invisible.

This water-repellent layer forms an effective barrier against moisture and other external influences, keeping the facade permanently protected. The result is a facade that is not only water repellent, but also stays clean longer and resists various forms of dirt, such as moss, algae and mold.

What does hydrofuge cost?

It is difficult to set a fixed price for a hydrofuge. In fact, there are many factors that can affect the price tag. Some of these factors include:

  • The size of the facade
  • The accessibility of the facade
  • The specific product
  • The cleaning of the facade
  • ...

We recommend that you hire a professional to hydrofuge your facade. A professional can advise on the condition of the facade and whether a hydrofuge is the appropriate solution. In addition, a specialist is knowledgeable about effective products that provide long-term protection.

Getting rid of moisture?

Do you have a moisture problem, and suspect it could be penetrating moisture? Our field engineers are true experts when it comes to this moisture problem. Contact AquaConsult now for a free, no-obligation expertise.

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Products moisture control walls - Moisture meter - Aquaconsult

Moisture control: don't make these 7 mistakes

Moisture control: don't make these 7 mistakes

A moisture problem often involves more than you think. Then it's tempting to make one of the following 7 mistakes in solving moisture problems. We go over them briefly: here are the 7 most common mistakes in moisture control in the house.

moisture control in home mistakes

1. Underestimate moisture problems

Moisture problems really should not be underestimated. They often involve much more than just a wet spot on the wall or mold in the home. This, then, is why moisture experts exist. Moisture problems are the cause of a number of other woes. For example, a excessive humidity can be the cause of a lot of health problems; especially if you already have underlying respiratory conditions or suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. It can also trigger allergies in children, the elderly or people with weaker immune systems.

Moisture problems not only cause health problems, but also problems to your home. We give some examples:

  • Do you suffer from black mold or from moisture in the basement? If so, it can damage the structure of your home.
  • Do you suffer from resounding or rising damp? Then you may suffer damage to your exterior walls. During cold nights in winter, water freezes in the walls, causing cracks in the wall.

In addition to health problems and home damage, moisture problems also increase energy bills. This is because damp rooms are much more difficult to heat. So definitely do not underestimate moisture problems, and get timely moisture control in your home.

2. Having the conviction: out of sight is out of mind

"A damp spot on the wall? A lick of damp-proof paint or a new layer of wallpaper and you won't see it anymore!" This is a reasoning we often hear, but unfortunately this is not a watertight solution.

In fact, this does not equate to effectively solving the moisture problem. Moisture experts are clear and unanimous about this: camouflage is not a solution. You will still face the same problems: structural damage to your home, chances of health problems flaring up. The moisture problems then quietly grow on.

3. Put off fighting moisture in the home

We all know it: we'd rather put off those unpleasant jobs around the house. Yet when it comes to fighting moisture in the home, that's not a good idea. As mentioned earlier, moisture problems can cause a lot of trouble. And the longer you put off the solution, the worse the problem gets and the bigger the works are likely to be.


Notice a damp spot on the wall? If so, please contact AquaConsult immediately and our moisture experts will be happy to help you.

4. Not airing your home on cold days

In winter, we prefer to keep all the cold outside. Yet it's a much better idea to ventilate your home, even when it's freezing outside. Thanks to proper ventilation, you avoid excessive humidity, which can cause problems such as mold ont he wall.


So put your windows at least 10 minutes a day open to avoid moisture problems.

5. Trying to remove mold yourself

Mold - and especially black mold - on the walls is very persistent. If you try to remove large areas of mold yourself, you usually haven't removed everything and it comes back quickly. Also, as a do-it-yourselfer, you cannot address the cause of the mold. In fact, there are a lot of different possible causes:

A moisture expert can determine the exact cause and therefore also apply the most appropriate moisture solution, eliminating the mold completely.

So can you really never remove mold yourself?

Still. If the mold on the wall is not too bad, you can remove it yourself. But then you have to be careful: inhaling mold spores can cause serious health problems, with examples such as respiratory problems, fatigue, nausea, and so on. So be sure to always wear gloves, a mouth mask and protective glasses. Also, removing mold yourself is only possible if it is a few black spots on the wall. Are the spots larger? If so, be sure to call in a moisture expert.

6. Not having a ventilation system in well-insulated houses

A well-insulated home has many benefits. The biggest advantage is the impact on your energy bill. Yet it also has one major disadvantage: there is no air circulation in the house. Without a ventilation system, damp air gets a chance to settle in the walls. That can cause mold or other moisture problems.

With a good ventilation system you don't have that problem. Then the air in the house will be refreshed on a regular basis and moisture will not have a chance to settle in the walls. This also saves yourself the energy of having to fight moisture in your home.

7. Not using an expert in moisture control

A final mistake people make is not calling on a moisture expert. After all, not all moisture problems have the same cause, and each requires its own approach.

An expert can use certain tools to determine exactly what the problem is and exactly what needs to be done to solve the moisture problem. Only then will the correct diagnosis be made and you get exactly the help you need. This is the only way to effectively combat the moisture in your home. In addition, with some solutions you stand a chance of the flemish renovation premium.

Moisture in the house?

Are you suffering from moisture in your home? Then don't delay and request your free expertise. Our moisture experts will be happy to visit you.

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basement waterproofing

The difference between basement waterproofing and basement drainage

The difference between basement waterproofing and basement drainage

Basements are made dry with basement waterproofing or basement drains. Depending on the situation, one of these two renovation techniques are appropriate.

In this article, we explain exactly what the differences are between basement drainage and basement waterproofing.

Basement sealing or basement drainage?

In Flanders, many homes suffer from a damp basement, especially in the fall, winter and spring. Many people then notice that their basement suddenly develops moisture problems. This can have several causes, ranging from rising damp to a lack of ventilation. Generally speaking, there are two different techniques for getting your basement completely dry again: by basement waterproofing on the one hand, and by basement drainage on the other. Depending on the situation, one of these two renovation techniques is appropriate.

Method 1: a basement waterproofing

Basement waterproofing, also known as tanking, involves applying a type of waterproof plaster to the walls and floor in several layers. These layers then harden and together form a moisture-resistant layer. When choosing basement waterproofing, we always consider the pressure of the groundwater. If that pressure is too high, basement waterproofing is not the best moisture control method.

Thanks to basement waterproofing, you get a waterproof tub in the basement or crawl space that keeps out all the ground moisture. For old, poorly maintained basements, flexible basement waterproofing is usually chosen. This involves attaching a waterproof foil to the walls and floor, after which the walls and floor are re-occupied.

Method 2: a basement drain

Basement drainage involves waterproofing the basement by removing incoming moisture through a drainage system. A basement drainage is usually used in basements with high groundwater pressure. Where that pressure is very high, basement waterproofing cannot provide sufficient guarantees and a drainage system must be used. The advantage of a basement drainage is that the cost is slightly lower than for a basement waterproofing.

Basement drainage involves a drainage system combined with a silent pump. The incoming groundwater finds its way to a central collection point, from where it is pumped away. All drainage pipes and even the pump are completely concealed in the basement drainage so that you hardly notice anything of this installation. The basement can therefore also be used with a drainage system for any purpose for which a basement could serve: as storage space, hobby room or even living space.

Because of the higher humidity level in a drained basement, basement drainage is usually combined with basement ventilation. Installing basement ventilation is relatively easy and pays huge dividends in terms of air quality. With a ventilated space, you also avoid future mold problems. After all, mold only thrives in spaces where the humidity is high enough.

Do I choose basement waterproofing or basement drainage?

If you suffer from a damp basement, there are many parameters that can inform a choice of basement waterproofing or basement drainage. This is not a simple analysis and varies depending on the size of the basement, the exact pressure of the groundwater, the current moisture content of the walls and the construction of the home.

There is no question that if you have a damp basement, each of the above solutions is a good choice. A damp home, even if it is in the basement, quickly loses its value and may also suffer from rising ground moisture later on.

AquaConsult offers free moisture analysis where an experienced moisture specialist performs a moisture diagnosis with specific equipment. This involves analyzing the basement from head to toe for any possible (hidden) moisture problem. If this interests you, request more information below. A moisture diagnosis is always performed by a licensed professional and is always without obligation.

Getting your damp basement treated

Are you suffering from moisture in your basement? Then contact Aquaconsult. Our specialists visit anywhere in Flanders for a free moisture expertise.

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Aquaconsult hydrofuge

What is the technical ATG approval?

What is the technical ATG approval?

Technical approval

The general technical approval (ATG certificate) provides a technical opinion, including a description and technical properties. An ATG is a favorable assessment and declaration of suitability for use of one particular construction product from one manufacturer for a well-defined application. It is intended for innovative products and building systems for which no or insufficient standards exist.

Based on documented product performance, an ATG determines whether the product is suitable for a particular application and provides instructions for installation or handling. This ensures that these products and building systems are suitable for use, can be used or installed without risk and are of good quality. All this according to the rules of the art of the Belgian market.

The different variants of technical approvals

Over time, different types of technical approvals have been developed to meet the specific requirements of industry stakeholders. Some types include:

  • ATG/H: for materials, products or kits.
  • ATG/S: for wood treatment plants.
  • ATG/M: for the use of road markings.
  • ATG/E: for energetic innovations.
  • ATG/D: for the curative treatment of wood.
  • BENOR/ATG: technical approval linked to a BENOR certificate.

atg certificate

The consumer benefits of an ATG certificate

An ATG label allows the user to check the conformity of the products delivered to the construction site with the existing approval. Since ATG certificates are issued for products and systems for which no product standards exist (yet), this is the only way to see if the products are approved and therefore of good quality.

Innovations in the construction industry are important to be more efficient in the long run. ATG certification ensures that construction sites do not become laboratories to test out those innovative ideas and thus customers are protected.

Who gets the ATG certificate?

In principle, an ATG is issued on the basis of an approval guideline. Such guideline is prepared by experts from the Belgian Union for Technical Approval in Construction (BUtgb) and provides an assessment basis for construction products. When you apply for technical approval, they then use simulations to test whether or not a product's performance decreases over time, which is a quality indicator.

On top of that is usually a certification, which means that a certificate issued by the BUtgb mandated certification body conducts external monitoring of the conformity of production with the published approval at a specified frequency. This review or control is described in a convention drawn up when the ATG is granted. This convention specifies how the manufacturer organizes its own control of production and which external tests will be carried out in the process.

ATG certification allows companies like AquaConsult to apply non-traditional products and techniques without danger.

The difference with the European technical assessment

The European Technical Assessment, or ETA, is a legal instrument created by the European Construction Products Regulation. It is another way for manufacturers to show that their products are good and safe to use , and again, the application must be voluntary and at the initiative of the applicant. If a product gets this approval, the manufacturer is allowed to put a CE mark on the product. When they have that mark, they are allowed to sell this product in all countries of the European Union. So basically, the European Technical Assessment is a kind of key that gives you access to the market in Europe.

AquaConsult is a member of these building federations and quality labels

AquaConsult holds every major construction certification. As a result, we can provide anyone Guarantee the lowest price for the highest quality and guarantees. We only work with top products, which means that moisture problems final will disappear and not return after 10 years. We offer a guarantee on our works of at least 20 years.

  • BUtgb: Belgian Union for Technical Approval in Construction. The institute that issues technical approvals for building materials, products, systems and of installers.
  • Buildwise: Scientific and Technical Center for the Construction Industry.

Suffering from moisture?

Are you suffering from a moisture problem in your home? Then contact AquaConsult and our field engineers will be happy to help you.

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