Moisture-resistant paint: everything you need to know

Damp-proof paint is a special type of paint designed to protect your walls from moisture. In this article you will discover the benefits, applications and different types of damp-proof paint, as well as practical tips on how to apply it.

What is moisture-resistant paint?

moisture-resistant paint, as the name implies, is a type of paint specifically designed to repel moisture. This type of paint usually contains a water-repellent compound. This ensures that after the paint dries properly, a barrier is created between the paint and moisture. This prevents moisture from penetrating the walls.

With the naked eye, you often don't notice the difference from ordinary wall paint. Yet it has a number of additional advantages:

  • Your wall will (of course) be moisture-resistant or water-repellent;
  • Your wall will be easier to dry and clean;
  • And your wall will be extra protected from mold.

When do you need moisture-resistant paint?

Damp-proof paint is a useful tool in many different situations, but not all of them. We explain when damp-proof paint is a good idea:

  • As a preventive measure. Would you like to protect the walls of rooms where a lot of moisture occurs, or would you like to protect your exterior walls from possible moisture penetration in the future? Then it is interesting to protect your kitchen, bathroom, basement or facade with a coat of moisture-resistant paint.
  • As a post-treatment for moisture problems. Do you suffer from damp walls or mold in your home? If so, then with high probability you are dealing with a moisture problem. For example resounding or rising damp. After finding the cause, addressing it and letting the solution do its job properly, you can apply damp-proof paint as a kind of additional moisture control agent.

Note: damp-proof paint is not a quick fix or magic solution. For example, when you have a moisture spot experienced on a wall, painting it over is usually not an appropriate or final solution. The moisture will simply return over time. Worse, the problem may just get worse. Therefore, we recommend that you first determine the actual cause of the moisture, and find the best fitting moisture solution apply. When doing so, do not hesitate to hire a moisture expert, as this will guarantee the best treatment.

The types of moisture-resistant paint

Is damp-proof paint right for your situation? Then, broadly speaking, you have two options. Namely, we broadly distinguish between two types of damp-proof paint:

  • Waterproof paint for indoors. This type of moisture-resistant paint is specifically designed for interior walls. Applying a layer of this paint to the interior wall prevents moisture from penetrating the wall. This is especially interesting for damp rooms, such as a bathroom, kitchen or basement.
  • Outdoor water-repellent paint. This variant is intended only for the exterior walls of a home. Here the paint forms an additional protective layer against penetrating damp.

damp-proof paint

Which moisture-resistant paint should you choose?

There are plenty of alternatives on the market. Which moisture-resistant paint you best choose depends on the situation. Get advice on this from a expert. Our moisture experts already recommend the moisture-resistant Tensiocoat from Rewah NV. We have trusted this brand for a long time, also for injecting walls.

How do you apply moisture-resistant paint?

You have no underlying moisture problems (anymore), you know which walls you want to paint and you've chosen a moisture-resistant paint. You can finally start the real work! Typically, you (or a professional painter) will follow the following steps:

  1. Preparation. We repeat it again because it is so important: the moisture problem must be completely remedied before you can begin painting. In addition, your walls must be clean and dry.
  2. Painting. moisture-resistant paint usually applies like regular paint. In most cases, two coats are sufficient. If necessary, apply a primer beforehand.
  3. Drying. Let the paint dry out completely.

Suffering from moisture in the walls?

Are you suffering from moisture in your home? Then don't delay and request your free expertise. Our moisture experts will be happy to visit you.

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