The importance of a damp-proof course in the wall in case of rising damp

Do you also suffer from rising damp in the walls? Then there's a good chance you have problems with the water barrier. Find out how best to deal with this.

What is a damp-proof course in your wall?

A damp-proof course is a layer of moisture-resistant material, usually integrated into the construction of the wall. It is designed to prevent the passage of water through the wall. Usually it is placed on the first row of bricks, flush with the floor pass, to ensure that moisture cannot enter the house through, for example, the basement walls. In this way, therefore, it is a kind of weapon against moisture problems, preventing damage to the structure or interior of a building.

The importance of a damp-proof course in your wall

It is important that this layer be intact along the entire length of the walls. If it is not, or the water barrier is completely missing, it loses its function. Then:

  • the water will spread into the wall, giving you rising damp.
  • the salts contained in that water will crystallise, resulting in white spots
  • Moss may also begin to form.

The infestation goes across the entire width of the wall and can go over a long length.

Rising damp

Fix problems with the damp-proof course in the wall

Do you experience rising damp due to a problem with the water barrier? If so, there are several methods available to address these water barrier problems, depending on the situation. We list them briefly below.

Note: if you notice moisture in the walls notices, it does not automatically mean it is rising damp. It is always advisable to seek the help of an expert. An expert can determine the exact cause of the moisture problem and assess whether it is actually rising damp. Based on this analysis, he or she can then make specific recommendations for the proper control method. You can get a free moisture analysis. applications.

No water barrier is present

When you are dealing with rising damp, the first question you should ask yourself is whether there is a water barrier in your walls. Homes built before the 1980s, for example, often do not have a built-in water barrier. If your home's walls lack a water barrier, it is best to have one installed. There are two ways to do this.

  • The first is to undercut the wall. This involves cutting into the wall a few inches above the floor and inserting a moisture barrier into the cut. In order not to compromise the stability of your house, this must be done very carefully, meter by meter. It is a time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive job.
  • A second option is to inject a damp-proofing agent into the wall. The damp-proofing gel is often silicone-based. When properly cured, groundwater will no longer be able to pass through the wall. AquaConsult uses REWAGEL Inject 3A+ for this; moisture resistant gel of the highest qualification you can find.

The existing water barrier is not doing its job

If a water barrier is already in place, the reasons why it is not functioning properly should be investigated.

  • Usually, these are situations where the waterproofing layer is damaged or improperly placed. Then injecting walls is also an effective and durable solution here.
  • Sometimes the plaster extends below the water barrier, requiring that it be removed and replaced with a water-repellent ("hydrophobic") product.
  • In other cases, the ground level outside the house may have risen over the years, causing the water barrier to be too low and still allow water to seep into the walls. In that case, it is necessary to apply the waterproofing layer at a higher level.

Put an end to your moisture problems

Do you have a moisture problem, and suspect it could be rising damp? Our field engineers are true experts when it comes to rising damp. Contact AquaConsult now for a no-obligation free expertise.

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